Average Session Duration for Retail Fashion Ecommerce

Metrics. Everyone wants them, everyone needs them. Whether you're a loftier schoolhouse math teacher, an NFL sentry, or a digital marketer, metrics are how we all detect performance and make decisions.

And that leads u.s.a. to one of the beauties of the digital globe… information technology's non magical, it's measurable.

In comparison to other marketing efforts, digital offers far more visibility to behaviors and actions. You lot can't tell how many people see your billboard along the route, but yous can see how the number of people coming to your website. Yous can't tell how many people came to your restaurant later seeing an advertisement in the customs newspaper, but you lot can tell how many people came to your site past clicking on a imprint advertizement.

This visibility into your digital comings and goings has long been an industry unto itself,

practically from the start of digital itself. Measurements and terms such as Google Analytics, visitors, pages per visit, bounce rate, time on site, and conversion rate are equally common as Gene, Paul, Peter and Ace.

But those metrics don't sing an ecommerce song, which has led to the development of insightful, actionable, ecommerce-focused metrics.

But earlier we get to the metrics that can improve your store's performance, what ARE metrics? And why practice some people say KPIs? Are they the same thing, or do they just rhyme?

What is a Metric?

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A metric is whatsoever quantifiable, consistently defined measurement of website performance. Examples of relevant ecommerce metrics range from conversion rate to average social club value, from cart abandonment charge per unit to traffic sources.

The listing of ecommerce metrics is long, and for good reason. Google Analytics, social media, your online store, product pages, homepages, checkout and shopping carts — all of these are rich data sources that capture quantifiable data, ripe for your estimation and trend measurement over fourth dimension.

What is a KPI?

KPI stands for key performance indicator. While a metric is any quantified measurement, a KPI is an of import metric. These are the numbers that you runway for growth.

While site visits may be of import, orders could be your KPI. Usually a scattering of critically important numbers is how you're existence evaluated. These are your KPIs.

What's the Difference Betwixt a Metric and an Ecommerce KPI?

So what'due south the difference betwixt a metric and a KPI, especially since they're often interchanged? Let's start with the fact that metrics measure process, while KPIs mensurate the performance of those processes. Said differently, primal operation indicators are subjective, specific targets you lot want YOUR store to achieve.

So, for example, average order value is definitely a metric, merely it's not a KPI. On the other hand, an AOV target of $twoscore is a KPI. If we were to apply these examples to the sports earth, points-per-game would be a metric, and 30 PPG would be a KPI.

This is spoken about ad nauseum when metrics are discussed, only it'south worth repeating…metrics should be PREDICTIVE, not reactive.

You should be able to utilise your metrics (and the KPIs yous define for them) to shape the future of your store in the way yous want.

And finally, your metrics need to exist RELEVANT to YOUR business. If email marketing is a critical office of your strategy, then electronic mail CTR (click-through-rate) warrants serious consideration. Alternatively, if increasing your boilerplate customer lifetime value is a critical part of your strategy, then AOV warrants serious consideration.

How to Measure Ecommerce Success

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One last matter before nosotros get to the metrics to assist y'all grow your business: We've found at Irish Titan that it's been helpful to create an index summarizing your performance across selected marketing activities.

So, equally the owner of an ecommerce site, yous might select four metrics from those below, and determine the KPIs for each of those metrics. If two of those metrics are performing at 90% of your KPI goal, and the other two metrics are performing at 100% of your KPI goal, your alphabetize would exist .95.

This could exist further enhanced (complicated?) by weighting your metrics (maybe one of the iv is more important?). We'd recommend not doing that, at to the lowest degree not to start.

Depending on your size, your teams or team members tin manage to the specifics of the activities that comprise your metrics, simply this alphabetize can be a helpful way to measure your operation at an enterprise level.

How Often Should I Bank check My Ecommerce Metrics?

Every bit we move into our list of recommended ecommerce metrics, you might exist wondering how often you lot should cheque your metrics? The answer is the same reply when asked, "How much does a red car cost?" and that answer is: "Information technology depends."

1. Weekly.

Some metrics should be checked on a weekly basis to ensure that the land of your concern is healthy. Examples might include website traffic, social media engagement, and impressions.

2. Bi-weekly.

Zooming out from your weekly metrics, bi-weekly metrics are those best suited for a larger sample size, less influenced by any variations that may occur inside a given week. These bi-weekly metrics might include average gild value (AOV), cost per acquisition (CPA), and shopping cart abandonment.

iii. Monthly.

Monthly metrics crave a longer data window due to traffic patterns or, more likely, your own marketing patterns. So these monthly metrics might include email open charge per unit, multichannel engagement, reach, and add-to-cart abandonment (or other micro-conversions).

four. Quarterly.

Quarterly metrics are the about strategic, at least as defined by these time periods. Because your weekly and bi-weekly metrics have proven that your business concern is healthy and surviving, these quarterly metrics will be the long-tail activities that bear witness that your business organization is flourishing and growing. These might include email click-through, customer lifetime value, and subscription rate.

Understanding Customer Stages

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We're going to shape this dialogue in a way that the highest performing ecommerce businesses tend to think about their store's performance — the ecommerce funnel, shown in the diagram above.

Each step of this funnel has different metrics that are more relevant. Contrary to popular opinion, none of these stages is inherently more important than any other. Their relative importance is actually defined by your personal preference, enterprise strategies, and where you are in your enterprise lifecycle (since, for case, creating advocacy is inherently difficult in the early on stages of your business concern).

But nosotros can bet, dollars to donuts, that these are the most important metrics for you to run a successful ecommerce shop:

  1. Impressions.
  2. Reach.
  3. Engagement.
  4. Email click-through-rate.
  5. Price per acquisition (CPA).
  6. Organic acquisition traffic.
  7. Social media engagement.
  8. Abandonment.
  9. Micro to macro conversion rates.
  10. Average order value (AOV).
  11. Sales conversion rates.
  12. Customer Retention rate.
  13. Customer lifetime value (CLV).
  14. Echo customer rate.
  15. Refund and return rate.
  16. Ecommerce churn rate.
  17. Net promoter score (NPS)
  18. Subscription charge per unit
  19. Program participation rate.

ane. Product discovery metrics.

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It seems pretty elementary, just you can't attract visitors to your site if you don't create the awareness that leads to their discovery of your brand. These metrics will help you measure your activities that help create awareness and discovery.


Merely put, impressions are the number of times your advert or piece of content is presented to someone. Those impressions tin can occur via paid ads on third-party sites, search results, social platforms, etc. (anywhere, really).

It's important to call back that an impression does NOT necessarily equate to a click (we'll cover that later). Your impressions volition be bachelor from any platform on which you're sharing content — Google paid ads, Facebook or Instagram, 3rd-party platforms.

Impressions are one of the well-nigh controllable metrics you lot tin accept, as they're almost entirely based on the budget you allocate to your various activities.


Put plainly, accomplish is the total number of your followers and subscribers — basically, the sum of all of those who volition come across your content. This might include your electronic mail opt-in subscribers, your Facebook followers, and your loyalty plan subscribers.

Reach is all-time improved by consistent campaigns (social media, e-mail, or otherwise) to encourage subscribers, followers, etc. The better defined your make and voice are, the more than effective your campaigns will be to improve reach.


Engagement is the intersection of your Impressions and your reach. Essentially: how many of your followers and and subscribers (your reach) are engaging with your content (your impressions). This may include acquisition-related activities like click-through, but it may also include not-acquisition-related activities such as likes and shares.

Engagement will well-nigh benefit from Connected activities to promote your brand and product. It'south important to make these efforts in a continuous fashion. These efforts are much more like farming (ongoing), than they are hunting (one-off).

2. Consideration metrics (or acquisition).

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Y'all can't have a buyer if they don't go to your site. Now that they're aware of your brand, let's ascertain some metrics that measure getting them to your site. There are many, many metrics in this phase of the funnel, so nosotros'll merely focus on a few.

Email click-through

Email click-through charge per unit is how many of your email subscribers (who've received the email AND opened it, which are other metrics) clicked through to your site.

Y'all tin can positively bear upon this past creating well-designed emails (including mobile-friendly blueprint), stiff calls-to-activeness, and good subject area lines.

Cost per acquisition (CPA)

Exercise you think it'd be helpful to know how much you're paying for acquiring your customers (or your CAC, client acquisition toll)? We'll accept that as a yes, which is why it's important to make sure that you lot're non launching exorbitant campaigns that produce only a pocket-size number of customers.

As a store owner, you know you're going to accept to invest in electronic mail campaigns, paid search campaigns, and other marketing investments in gild to drive traffic and, ultimately, sales. Only if the cost of those campaigns outweighs the total revenue they're generating, and so you're making a poor apply of your earth-shaking dollars.

It's VITAL to keep in listen that CPA Greatly benefits from the context of your AOV. If your CPA is $25 and your AOV is $100, that'southward a good sign. If, on the other hand, your AOV is $xxx, so a CPA of $25 doesn't await and so good.

Your CPA can be improved by segmenting your campaigns to meliorate target customers who will best reply to your campaigns' phone call-to-deportment, landing pages that will help reinforce your telephone call-to-deportment, and managing your campaign budgets advisedly.

Organic acquisition traffic

In the long run and in a blue sky, yous promise to attract people to your site without paying for them. It follows that it'southward important to measure how many of your visitors reach the site organically, which is commonly available in all analytics platforms.

Yous can amend your organic traffic by ensuring that your on-site/technical SEO remains truthful to best practices (proper tagging, good response fourth dimension, etc.) and that your off-page SEO performs well (which rings back to some of the concepts in the discovery section of this blog).

Social media engagement

Social media metrics tin can provide a lot of value to your ecommerce company. These are the top social media date KPIs you lot should rail on a regular basis:

  • Likes per mail: "Likes" is a catch-all metric I am using for people that have upvoted your social media posts. These will come in the form of Likes, thumbs ups, favorites or +1's. To summate it, you will need to collate likes on each social media platform and dissever it by the number of posts on the individual platform.
  • Shares per mail service: "Shares" is a catch-all metric for "shares," "retweets" and "repins." This metric is indicative of the average number of times posts are shared over a given amount of fourth dimension.
  • Comments per post: "Comments" is a catch-all metric for mentions and comments to your social media posts. This metric is a gauge of how much of a community your brand is garnering on social media.
  • Clicks per post: The clicks per post metric measures link click-throughs from social media posts over a given period of fourth dimension. To calculate this metric, collate the number of clicks from your social media posts over a specific period (typically over a month) and then dissever information technology by the number of published social media posts over the same time period.

3. Conversion metrics.

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Now that you're lucky enough to have a visitor to your store, how can yous mensurate your operation in converting them from a shop company to a paying customer, calculation products to their shopping cart and actually checking out? These metrics should help you do just that.

Shopping cart abandonment rate

Abandonment can be measured in a few unlike ways, which is helpful to measure site behaviors. Shopping cart abandonment is a measure of how many people add something to their cart but LEAVE your site WITHOUT making a buy. This measure is important to see if at that place are hitches in the site or cart process before they get to the checkout process.

Checkout abandonment

Separately, checkout abandonment is a critical metric of how many people go out your site WITHOUT making a purchase BUT But Later on they begin the checkout procedure. While similar to shopping cart abandonment, it's important to measure them separately to meet if the checkout process is the root cause of abandonments or if the problem is something else entirely.

Your abandonment rates can be improved primarily by intuitive cart management, which includes persistent pages, urgency messaging, saving customers carts, etc.

Micro to macro conversion rates

This is an interesting approach to identifying activities of particular importance for measurement. Basically a micro and macro conversions are pocket-sized (micro) activities that pb to bigger (macro) activities.

These are similar to the abandonment rates, but can give you an opportunity to measure activities you consider of import to your funnel, such as the number of visitors who click to a production detail page, or the number of visitors who opt-in every bit an email subscriber.

Average social club value (AOV)

Your AOV is the boilerplate price your customers are paying for the items in their cart when they bank check out. It can, and should, be measured over time, so you can make up one's mind how it evolves. It'southward an important measurement to know as information technology relates to measurements of marketing effectiveness.

Your AOV can be increased past selling add together-ons, loyalty programs, or other, more than primal business concern model questions like pricing, product quality, etc.

Sales conversion rates

This is the total number of sales divided by the total number of sessions to your store.

Understanding this number is critical to determining how much traffic is required to generate your target sales.

That said, just like your sales data, you lot need to more granularly empathise conversion rates.

Hither are key ways to dissect your conversion charge per unit metric:

  • Set conversion rate by aqueduct: e.g. AdWords, SEO, Facebook, etc
  • Set conversion charge per unit by category of products: Some categories may take higher conversions that others
  • Set conversion rate by campaign: Every bit an example, if you are working with affiliates or influencers
  • Aim to optimize your sales conversion rates in your campaigns. If you have a channel or category performing well, think well-nigh putting more backside information technology, if something is underperforming, perchance in that location'southward a fix that would boost the rates, or maybe the campaign should exist terminated (sometimes it's all-time to cut your losses). Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tin can really maximize growth for a campaign.

iv. Retentivity metrics.

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Depending on the source, acquiring a new customer is anywhere from 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing i. Regardless of the exact corporeality, the data pretty strongly indicates the value in retaining those customers you've converted.

Annotation that each of these retention-focused metrics will benefit from a mutual theme — proficient client service, loyalty programs, echo purchase campaigns, and a true investment in customer satisfaction.

Customer Retention rate

Retention charge per unit is best defined as the percentage of customers you maintain equally customers over a period of time. The higher this number, the better you're doing in servicing your customers. It's important to remember to subtract your NEW customers from the customer count when calculating this. Those new customers are of import, but this metric is focused on how well you're retaining existing customers.

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

CLV is the total amount you earn from your customers over the length of their relationship with you, as measured by AOV, repeat transactions, and retention catamenia. This is of import to calculate, as it's a number to measure out to your AOV (hopefully with significant difference) and can unearth underperforming echo and retention activities.

Repeat customer rate

This is easy to measure but of import to exercise so. You want to know what percentage of your customers have made multiple purchases. This is another fashion to measure how well you're servicing your customers, because if you're servicing them well, they'll be dorsum.

Refund and return rate

Refund and return rates can exist a plague for ecommerce websites. Even loftier acquirement online stores tin be ultimately exist done in by high refund and returns. Depending on your industry, returns might exist highly mutual and already baked into your financials models, or alternatively, they may exist extremely rare.

Returns tin can also be a powerful driver to entice customers to hit 'buy now'. If a customer knows your store offers free returns or exchanges, it can alleviate worries virtually buyers remorse. Use returns and refunds every bit fuel to drive your business, not to burn you.

Either mode, tracking these metrics are of import to the wellness of your store. Is your refund rate spiking on a specific department of your shop? It might be time to investigate where that's coming from.

Ecommerce churn rate

Churn rate is a metric to track the turnover of your customers. It measures the number of users lost over a given period of fourth dimension. Depending on your industry and sales approach, yous may accept a long investment time into each user merely they stay with you for years, or customers come in easily but they don't seem to stay forever. Whatever your churn rate is, it's important to measure out and work on strategies to delight your customers when they're around. Information technology's always easier to resell to a electric current client than to gain a new one.

5. Advancement metrics.

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This part of the funnel is inarguably the about overlooked, which is unfortunate, because you ameliorate put on your white gloves. These customers are your goldmine, then you better treat them as such. These metrics will help you mensurate the efforts you accept to prove them yous care.

Internet promoter score (NPS)

As recent adoptees ourselves, we're fans of this simple metric: how likely would your customers exist to refer you? Based on their numeric answer, customers fall into one of 3 categories — detractors, passives, and promoters. The more promoters you take, the improve (y'all guessed information technology).

It'due south important to note that different industries take different scales of good and bad NPS scores.

Your NPS will benefit from the combination of everything in your business organization, from your product quality to your customer service quality, from the customer experience you provide to the quality of the employment feel you offer your employees. NPS measures everything and is incredibly valuable to measure.

Subscription charge per unit

As email marketing remains high-value, it'south important to know what percentage of your visitors have opted-in for your email lists. This signals that your customers Desire to hear from yous. And that's obviously a good affair.

Your subscription rate can exist improved by ensuring a skilful e-mail communication feel (know your brand, be consistent in messaging, don't "spam" your listing with endless or unnecessary messages), an piece of cake subscription experience, and strong calls-to-activity.

On the flip side, unsubscribe rate is as of import as new subscriptions. If you're seeing huge swaths of users fleeing from your emails, it might be time to reconsider your approach. Unsubscribes volition always exist effectually, only information technology's important to minimize it, aiming for less than 0.5% (and less than .25% is bully).

Program participation rate

As ecommerce technologies and practices have matured, more and more merchants have turned to advocacy programs like loyalty programs or review platforms. There are numerous solutions in both of those realms, only let'due south use loyalty programs as an example, which may be more pertinent to you if you lot are a more brand-intensive merchant.

If you have a customer loyalty programme, what percentage of your customers are members of information technology? The higher that percentage, the greater your ability to treat them with care, make them feel special, and improve many other metrics we've discussed, such as CLV, repeat customers, etc.

Your plan participation charge per unit tin ameliorate by…start, starting 1! Across that, practise and then in a manner where there are ACTUAL benefits to inclusion. Recall that foregoing some margin in substitution for treating these customers well will pay off over fourth dimension. Remember our earlier metric that it's somewhere betwixt 5 to 25 times more than expensive to acquire a new customer? That'south peculiarly of import to keep in heed when thinking of program participation rate.


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Operating a successful ecommerce shop requires your attention in a number of ways — from edifice your shop to defining your brand to creating your product to offering high quality customer service.

Familiarity with the ecommerce metrics mentioned in a higher place volition help yous identify how well you're performing those activities, and highlight those areas in which you tin fine-tune your strategies and tactics to improve your shop'due south performance and bottom line. Proficient luck, and recollect to accept care of those customers.

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